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Personal training

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Working with Sports Partnership Hereford and Worcester, we are offering free fitness classes to new mums. Having a baby is a life changing experience and it can be hard to find the time and the motivation to spend on getting fit. If you'd like a way of training to get back into shape and at the same time enjoy some time to yourself these sessions are for you.

This is an opportunity for you to train with other new mums who are going through similar experiences to you. It will help you to gain in body confidence and get fitter for running around after your little one. All for FREE!

Who can train?

These classes are open to any new mums.

What's the catch?

There is no catch. The organisations involved are trialing schemes like this to encourage young, new mums to get fitter and healthier. The more people that get involved the more likely these schemes will continue.

When are the classes?

Wednesday's 10.00am to 11.00am

First session start on 13th September and run for 12 weeks. Just turn up to try it out.

Where do you have to go?

Based out of Bootcamp Droitwich at Physique Fitness in Droitwich

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