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Happy Birthday to me!

October will be the 2nd birthday of my business and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank those of you who have helped me to get to where I am today.

If someone had asked me 5 years ago if I would be running my own business, I would probably have said no, but sometimes things come along in life and you are forced to make a change and head in a new direction. That new direction for was Stuart Brooks Health and Fitness.

I don't think when I started out that I thought I would have had some of the opportunities that I have had and I definitely didn't foresee all of the knock backs but one is for certain the last two years have been one the biggest and most rewarding challenges of my life and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Being a personal trainer has to be one of the best jobs - there is nothing more motivation than watching a client push themselves and improve their fitness, change their shape and generally improve their lifestyle. Over the years of being a PT I have worked with many different people who are training for different reasons - some want to lose weight, some want to get fit and some just feel like they should be doing something. Each client will approach their training differently, but I always try my best to keep them on track and get them to a point where training becomes a part of their life and that they enjoy it.

My business isn't just about PT though, I have been lucky enough to grow my Social Inclusion activity and work with local schools to encourage health and well being among the younger generation and love seeing the students trying new sports and working with many of them to take the skills and disciplines from sport into the classroom and at home.

As I approach the two year mark I am making some changes to the way that I do things as a business but at the heart of it will always be my clients and I will never tire of seeing the results they get from their own hard work.

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